The Association was established in Franschhoek on 15 October 1929.
Every year at Congress a new theme is chosen.
The theme for 2014 is "Go beyond boundaries" / "Verskuif jou grense."
VLVK se hoofkantoor is 'n nasionale gedenkwaardigheid te Dorpstraat 126, Stellenbosch. Dit was die anneks van die Grand Hotel op die hoek van Dorp- en Meulstraat. In 1979, toe die vereniging 50 jaar oud was, is die gebou betrek en Jubileumhuis genoem.
Huis en Haard / Hearth and Home
Die amptelike blad, Huis & Haard, se eerste uitgawe het in Mei 1952 verskyn.
VLVK is by drie Landbou Unies, Agri Wes-Kaap, Agri Oos-Kaap & Agri Noord-Kaap geaffilieer. Verder is die VLVK ook by die Wereldbond van Plattelandse Vroue (WBPV) / Associated Country Women of the World(ACWW) geaffilieer.
Fields of Study
CWAA offers interesting monthly programs with lectures, demonstrations, debates, exhibitions, shows, discussions at meetings, as well as organised educational trips on the following subjects: Agriculture and Horticulture, Art and Craft, Education and Culture, Health, Lifestyle, Public Affairs
On the 1st of every month, we send out our "Events Mailer", highlighting all the events taking place in and around Montagu for that month. Be sure to subscribe not to miss out on important events.