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Nieuwe Horizon

"All children have a place to stay and eat"
Nieuwe Horizon

"The Rainbow Project"

"Keep Montagu Beggar Free!
Money = Drugs .... Donation = A Future"

We ask the people and visitors to Montagu, to please not give food or money to our children who beg on the streets. If you would like to help them, rather deposit or transfer a donation to the ABSA bank account of the foundation "Nieuwe Horizon". If you prefer, there are also several places in Montagu where you can donate money, such as the Tourism Office, all Hotels and B&B's, Joubert House, Museum and several local shops.

In 2012 Sanja van de Sande,Rina Brighton and Patruzchka Muller, started the Rainbow Project. These three ladies made an effort to provide food for these children. They found several homes where they are taken care of, there are now sport facilities and special training is given to their parents, by DSD Robertson: "How to raise your child in a proper way".

The Dutch Foundation "Nieuwe Horizon" is founded in 1999 for the less fortunate children of Ashbury in order to give them an opportunity to go to university, or JGTechnical school in Bonnievale and to be taken care of after school, for providing food and clothing. Among them are disabled, FAS children and children from drug- and alcohol using parents. There are 40 Dutch individual sponsors.
Message of the Dolls presentation against sexual abuse:
1. You are lovingly made by God.
2. You are unique. There is no one like you.
3. You are valuable and cannot be bought for money.
4. God keeps you safe in his hand.
5. Boys can also happen to this. A real man protects women and children and lovingly cares for them.

Because of her educational background this message appeals to Sanja van de Sande as a person, and together with a group of like-minded people she visits schools in Montagu and the vast hinterland. A minister is part of this group, but also representatives of Social Work.
First there is a puppet show to show children what might happen to you. The children are pointed out that you must not allow people to touch you in a way that you do not want. It also explains how you can ask for help. Afterwards, the children receive a doll that is hand-knitted by volunteers. Each puppet is different to emphasize that each person is unique. Through the "Valuable for Jesus" presentation, the message is repeated and imprinted with posters. Then the "This is my body song" is sung and Pastor Reggie Boesak pronounces a closing prayer.

Rather special is, that the dolls are knitted by people of all kinds of ranks and stands. From elderly people in Montagu's old people's home and people in the Netherlands, who also like to cooperate in eradicating or at least reducing this evil. Wool can be bought through support from sponsors from the Netherlands. The children receive these dolls, a bag of chips and informative pamphlets afterwards. The far-off schools are also visited, even up to 70 km outside of Montagu!
A couple of years ago, Fran and Paul Heather started The Hug a baby project, where of the donated goods such as: cloth, wool and sheets, bags, clothing and blankets, are made by a few colored women who receive training and therefore can earn some money. The Hug-a-Baby project is a small, local and well-controlled project and has been running successfully for several years in, among others, Swellendam, Bredasdorp and Montagu. Sanja van de Sande from the Rainbow project, who lives in Montagu, delivers 30 to 40 filled bags every month to the hospital in Montagu and supervises the correct distribution of these bags. It gives the nursing staff a good feeling to be able to provide the mothers with such a welcome Hug-a-Baby gift, because the hospital (37 beds) itself does not have the means to do this.
Special is also that some ladies from the local old house "Huis Uitvlucht", knitting baby blankets and crocheting of the wool, which Sanja delivers to them. The knife cuts in two ways: The babies get blankets and the elderly have a meaningful and enjoyable daytime activity!

Every month, also several patient bags with a bar of soap, washing cloth, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste are delivered to the hospital and the day clinic, for TB patients and the very poor or victims of sexual assault and / or rape.

In wintertime Selestien (Mama Clover Africa) and Jannie Moses distribute twice a week soup in their community and the local Spar provides bread. During the vacations children can play table tennis or other games in the "Nieuwe Horizon's" community centre and every week there is a social tea morning for elderly people of the Ashbury community.

Bank Details for Donations:
"Nieuwe Horizon"
Swift adress: ABSA ZA JJ
Account No.:9068650694
Reference: Rainbow Children Project

(It may be necessary to clarify the situation regarding the sponsor
money/bank account. Rainbow Children Project utilises the New Horizon's NGO account number,
because there are also overseas sponsors that make donations. New Horizon Foundation and
family Moses are not directly involved in the Rainbow Children Project)

Contact details and information for Montagu:
Leo and Sanja van de Sande: 023 614 3525
Rina Brighton: 084 500 2486

Dutch contact details:
Mevr. R. Lentink (secretaris)
Dahliastraat 20
3742 RL Baarn
Tel: 003135-5445665

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