It’s with huge excitement that I introduce myself as the new festival director for the Montagu Youth Arts Festival taking place 2-12 Augustus 2023. For just over twenty years I was the drama teacher at Oranje Girls’ School in Bloemfontein.
Gedurende hierdie tyd was ek vir twee jaar nasionale beoordelaar van die ATKV-Tienertoneelkompetisie en het in 2007 die Reza de Wet-Tienertoneelfees insisieer wat een van die hoogtepuntfeeste op die tienertoneelkalender word. In 2008 het ek myself vir die eerste keer in Montagu en by die Jeugkunstefees bevind en daarna het ons jaarliks teruggekeer na hierdie toonkrullekker fees. In 2008 and 2009 we performed in the primary school’s hall and legends like Albert Maritz adjudicated. Today I present drama as an extramural activity to youngsters in that same hall! I have literally come full circle!
Just as Helen Gooderson left in January 2021, we moved to Montagu. After opening my drama school in Montagu in April this year, I volunteered to take over organizing the Youth Arts festival from Montagu Tourism. I see this opportunity as a challenge and a huge blessing.
It’s time for new ideas, cohesion, theatre friendships made for life, festival memories engraved in all the artists’ hearts. Creative Arts that makes all its makers proud, inspire visitors to experience the inner fibre of our youth, promoting empathy within all artists for our world, reaching out, uplifting, critical thinking, making art, living art, breathing art.
It is a great honour to introduce our festival patron, Mrs Jeanne Biesenbach, who together with her husband, started this festival 28 years ago. I am supported by a wonderful team of people and we share the same rhythm: Montagu, our youth and our festival.
Met dankbaarheid en opgewondenheid kan ons uitsien na ‘n vermaaklike fees met plaaslike en ander skole van Hermanus, George, Malmsbury, Bredasdorp, Worcester, Swellendam, Durbanville, Stellenbosch, Struisbaai, Oudtshoorn en meer. Woensdag, 2 Augustus, spring ons weg met die dans- en musiekafdeling in die NG Kerksaal. Entry is R20 vir adults and R10 for kids. I invite our pensioners to come and enjoy the entire festival programme for free! Toegang is by die deur te koop – slegs kontant. Die prysuitdeling en uitstallling van ons meer as 300 Visuele Kuns en Handwerke word om 17h00 op 2 Augustus aangebied. Donderdag, 3 Augustus verwelkom ons 20 kore wat vanaf 15h00 in die NG Kerk gaan optree. The dance and music programme runs from 2 – 5 August in NG Church Hall.
Op 8 Augustus spring ons weg met ‘n vol dramaprogram. In die Kupenda gallery gaan meeste van die individuele- en groepitems opgevoer word en 30 toneelstukke gaan die verhoog van die NG Kerksaal laat kraak! Die program vir die 10 dae se feestelikhede, sal op ons facebookblad gedeel word – op die dramaprogram sal Ouer Begeleiding duidelik aangedui word. Ons het heelparty laerskoolopvoerings so die jongspan kan gerus ook kom deel in die teaterpret! We are proud of our highly qualified and experienced team of adjudicators. At Visual Art and Craft we welcome Ellené Louw, chief subject advisor for Visual Art at WCED, as well as Dina
Grobler, lecturer and artist from Heidelberg. By musiek sien ons uit om weer vir André Serfontein by ons te ontvang – ‘n het destyds ‘n trofee vir die fees geskenk. André word bygestaan deur ons plaaslike musiekghoeroe Dewald Esterhuizen. The legendary Odwa Mvunge, conductor of the Zolani choir, will join the choir judging panel. Lee Fennel, plaaslike balletonderwyser en Elize Cogle, moderator en dansonderwyser van Bloemfontein, gaan al die passies op die verhoog beoordeel.
The professional photographer, Hannah Paton, moved to Montagu in the beginning of 2023 and we are excited to welcome her as judge. Prof Pierre-André Viviers van die Noordwes Universiteit word deur ons plaaslike woordwerker Marchelle van Zyl bygestaan om die Kreatiewe Skryfwerk te beoordeel. Laastens word al die toneelsterre van die toekoms beoordeel deur Lizané Basson, algemene bestuurder van die KKNK en Annelie Treurnich, Skeppende Kunste vakspesialis van die Wynlanddistrik, This very capable panel will surely contribute to every artist and teacher’s development and skills as well as the success of our festival.
We trust that all the townspeople will welcome our visitor-performers with open arms and I invite everyone to support our talented Youth Stars. For more information, go to our Montagu Youth Arts Festival Facebook page or contact Retha Pool at 0833022517.
- Retha Pool
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