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Sunday, 14 May 2023

Swan Lake at Wahnfried

Montagu Events - Swan Lake at Wahnfried
On Sunday 14th at 4pm, an actual performance of Tchaikovsky’s ballet SWAN LAKE (2h8 mins) from The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg. Starring Ulyana Lopatkina, Danila Korsuntsev and the breathtaking Mariinsky corps de ballet. Conducted by the great Russian maestro Valery Gergiev.

‘’For lovers of this ballet, this production should be a 'must have' purchase. The magnificent Mariinski Theatre with its huge stage is the spiritual home of this Tchaikovsky ballet & this spectacular version does it more than justice.
Not since Natalia Makarova has Russia produced an 'Odette/Odile' as heart-rending & captivating as Ulyana Lopstkina who's performance brings a unique combination of emotion, flawless technique & that exciting almost heart-stopping flourish of fouettés - every other a double - in the celebrated 'Black Swan' solo of act III. She is ably partnered by the 'Siegfried' of Danila Korsuntsev who gives an assured performance with flashes of virtuosity in his solos & is entirely believable as a Prince who is drawn into this drama, which of course being a Russian production has a happy ending rather than European versions which has Odette & Siegfried drowning in the lake, to be re-united in a redemptive eternal life.
However, the rôle of the'Jester', no matter how brilliantly danced, (here by the obviously talented Andrei Ivanov), tends to upstage & distract from the action & ultimately becomes tiresome!
The evil 'Rothbart' is in the capable hands of Ilya Kuznestsov, a character artist/dancer with years of experience in this rôle. Mention must also be made of the non-dancing rôle of the Queen, here given the finest interpretation by Alexandra Gronskaya. Tall, regal, with acutely delivered mime perfectly conveying all facets of feeling, expectations, & finally shock & heartbreak at the end of the ballroom act. After Lopatkina delivers a devastating beguiling and transfixing performance as Odile to hypnotise Siegfried into believing she is Odette, there is one of the most dramatic and upsetting scenes in all ballet. The evil couple reveal their true intentions and depart, throwing the court into chaos, Siegfried, distraught, dashes off into the night leaving his mother to collapse into the arms of her attendants....
The final act by the lakeside Is heartbreakingly beautiful and Tchaikovsky’s music is nothing short of miraculous.
All the music is included here, some of which is always cut in European productions and will be unknown to many.
The designs have been realised into stunning scenery and sumptuous costumes. Thankfully, the usually over-done hand gestures from corps de ballet members and courtiers, as soloists dance by, have been eliminated! All Russian ballet suffers from this distracting practice!
The huge orchestra gives a thrilling account of Tchaikovsky's famous score and has the added bonus of Valery Gergiev as conductor.
It will be a long time before Swan Lake will be given a production to top this! This is arguably the best Swan Lake ever to be placed before an audience!’’ reviewer

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