The range will be open on Saturday, 27 July 2024, between 10am and 3pm for a SADPA New Shooter Orientation (NSO) & SADPA Handgun Classifier.
Members & guests are welcome to use the range facilities not occupied by the planned events, subject to SO/RO availability and at the Duty RO's discretion. So come shoot that air rifle that is gathering dust in the closet.
Everyone is welcome, and encouraged to join the NSO. It is also open to the general public.
Range building for the NSO & Classifier will start at 10am, with the planned events starting at 11am.
The NSO requires 50 rounds and includes the classifier, the classifier only requires 28 rounds. Bring extra ammo for malfunctions & re-shoots.
Cost: R50 for members, R150 for non-members, R100 for guests not shooting the NSO /Classifier.
No pre-registration required for general range usage.
Registration is required for the NSO and Classifier, register at:
Range Officer: Gideon Beukes (+27 72 095 4655)